Urban Impact

Urban Impact

Additional Research worked with Clyde Gateway to assess the economic impact of a major urban regeneration project in Dalmarnock in the east end of Glasgow.

Additional Research worked with Clyde Gateway to assess the economic impact of a major urban regeneration project in Dalmarnock in the east end of Glasgow. 

Established in December 2007, the Clyde Gateway URC is a partnership between Glasgow City Council, South Lanarkshire Council, and the Scottish Government. 

Clyde Gateway is delivering a regeneration programme which aims to transform the image, perception and fortunes of an area covering a large part of the east end of Glasgow, and has set ambitious targets to bring jobs, investment and new housing. 

Specifically, the Dalmarnock project will develop new office, industrial and residential accommodation, on an old industrial site adjacent to the the River Clyde. The project aims to stimulate local economic activity through enhancement of the built environment, the attraction and support of business activity, the provision of construction and operational jobs and training. 

The aim of the Additional Research support was to prepare an economic impact assessment that examined the project rationale and strategic fit; confirm the socio-economic baseline of the area, and measure the economic benefits. 

To do this we consulted with Clyde Gateway project staff and reviewed project documentation and development plans. We subsequently modelled economic impacts following HM Treasury and local partner guidance, providing Clyde Gateway with a detailed and transparent understanding of the nature of the economic benefits and assumptions underpinning the assessment. 

Significant gross economic benefits from the project are anticipated, including 63 Jobs supported per year of construction; 786 peak operational jobs; and £37.9m annual Gross Value Added to the Scottish economy. 

Contact Alastair at Additional Research for further information on economic impact assessment for project business case development, monitoring and evaluation 


Related projects: Clyde Gateway Shawfield National Business District Economic Impact Assessment; HM Treasury/ Government Economic Service project appraisal training.